Sunday, 4 August 2013

No more beersies for me

Meet Damo. 
My old work mate & flat mate who is now living in Mildura and living the dream. He has a sheep with built-in jet ski and BBQ. 

He came back for couple of weeks (basically to get on a two week long bender) and I finally got to catch up with him after couple of failed attempts. 

It started off as a relatively innocent lunch and a pint type gathering at the hop garden. 

Little did we know, this lunch & beer session would continue for another 14 hours or so....

It was just so refreshing to catch up with Damo and TJ (the other guy with long hair). The conversations we were having had absolutely depth to it whatsoever. Topics included dead babies (it was some sort of a family day and there were babies alllllll around us), 15-day old cow meat and other very, very, inappropriate jokes which I could not mention in this family-friendly blog. 

After couple of beers, lunch and meaningless conversations we headed out to town. 

Ahh..the space hamster king himself and the entourage....

 On the way to town we decided it would be a good idea to attempt a Courtney place pub crawl! I have tried this once with Morgan earlier in the year and had failed miserably. So we started off at the tasting room. 

Of course the meaningless conversations continued. This time we were talking about fluffy penis sock which adorned one of the tap beer handles. 

We also stopped over at Hummingbird and Mish Mosh (where we were having too much fun that the bartender told us to be quite) before heading to the Malt House. 

Mish Mosh

Malt House 

We lost TJ at the Malt House. Apparently we weren't cool enough to hang out with anymore...

What do you do when your friend ditches you? Kebab and shisha of course! 

We chowed down on some not-so-dry kebab and smoked grape flavoured shisha, blasting Led Zep. Lofty and I decided that Damo's pants just looked too bare and boring compared to his fabulous jersey. So we have him galactic pants to match.

Now he's ready to party. There were so many in-jokes created by this point but I can't share any of them because, well, they are in-jokes and you won't get it. All I'll say is.."hello, excuse me, howaya?, keep smiling, MILDURA!!" Yea. Exactly. 

Skip few hours, bloody lips, jazz, girls, TJ, Lofty and many, many more beers and we (Damo and I) are now at.....

Yup. Game over. Or was it? 

That is a (real) panda with beer and bottles of gin by the way. Things get little blurry here. We ended up at a flat, had an argument about Jack Daniel's and bourbon, there was paper scissors rock being played...It was time for me to retire. I got home at around 5.30 am after an epic 14 hour drinking session. 

I wonder if Damo is alive today.... 

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I have not laughed so hard in ages... All hail the Hampster King!
